I thought it'd be fun to link up with Erica over at Erica's Ed-Ventures and talk about my goals for 2015. It's a brand new year so participating in more than one linky party (consecutive days in a row) is acceptable, right?
My biggest financial goal for 2015 is to budget more and spend less on things we don't need. This goal includes my spending on TPT. Yikes! Perhaps if I actually get to a point where I have products to sell in my TPT store, I could justify spending the money I do on TPT. But that isn't the case (yet) so this is an area where I need to cut back. We have also had a lot of things happen recently to dictate our finances (primarily two house payments and our adoption process) and we want to be committed to a tighter budget. In the past several months, we've made some cuts in our monthly budget which have helped immensely...one of which was getting rid of our DirectTV. We now only have access to Hulu and Netflix. Due to our geographic location, we don't even get regular cable channels. Talk about different! My husband has made the biggest sacrifice with not getting sports channels. Bless him!
I have a few professional goals I'd like to work on in 2015. First, I'd love to work on my TPT store and create some products to sell. But I know that takes time and money. With coaching basketball right now and with my financial goal in mind, this particular goal may not be achievable just yet. I also need to take some professional development classes to renew my license next year so I want to take a couple of courses this summer...perhaps something that focuses on using technology inside of the classroom. Being an Ohio teacher also has me thinking more about short-term and long-term goals in the classroom (thanks OTES!). What a to-do list for one year! Thankfully I have 12 months!
This is short and sweet. I drink WAY too much pop and my eating habits are less than healthy. I want to improve in both of those areas...THE END.
For Christmas, I asked my mom for 3 books...Interrupted, The Best Yes, and The Hands Free Mama. I want to read more this year. Ironically enough, unless it's a children's book, I really don't care to read. So you can imagine my mother almost fell over dead when I requested books this year! HA! My mom and sisters LOVE to read. They knock out books in a few hours. I am definitely the ugly duckling when it comes to that...so my goal is to improve in that area! We are also starting a new bible study on Francis Chan's Forgotten God so I am looking forward to reading (and finishing) his book as we work through it.
What are your resolutions for 2015? I'd love to hear!