Thursday, July 2, 2015

Currently- July

     Greetings from Myrtle Beach, SC! We are on vacay and it's wrapping up! The kidlings are in bed and so is my Mr. M! What better time to update this lonely blog!?

     Listening: Beat Bobby Flay...Admittedly, I've never seen this show because we don't have anything beyond Netflix or Hulu at home. It was a cost-cutting measure we implemented when we started our adoption.

     Loving: Our vacation! We are all having an AMAZING time! It's been such a good trip for our souls... And one of the only big trips we've made as just us 4!

     Thinking: Summer is basically over. Does anyone else feel like once July hits, summer is over!? Just me!? Fooey. I'm taking a class where I have to log 75 hours before Aug. 1 and I have 4 hours in so far. Yikes! And I'd REALLY like to take my last course for my principal's license too...because it's being offered this summer semester. Boo. No time.

     Wanting: To finish our home study! We're down to the last 10 items on our 40+ item checklist! Wahoo!

     Needing: To get healthy! So I've been sick Headaches. Cough. Dizziness. Not all at the same time...but sometimes. Just kinda weird stuff. Anywho, I went to the doctor after a super-bad coughing spell and found out my sinus cavities are like MAJOR infected! Like so could need surgery. What!? I've never had sinus problems before so this was a bit of a shock. But my doctor thinks she can help me avoid surgery...meaning I'm on major meds for a month. Hopefully my next X-ray shows improvement!

     All ⭐:  Thoughtfulness. I love doing things for people. I love thinking about others.  I feel like I'm pretty good at being least, I hope I am!

     Check out the other super sweet Currently posts over on Farley's blog below!

Hopefully this post looks OK because I did it from my very pathetic and broken non-Apple phone! Ha! Enjoy summer, friends!


  1. Okay - first thing is first. How did you get that little star on you All star part of the post? That is exactly what I wanted to do and couldn't get it to work out.

    Your relaxing and good for the soul trip sounds amazing. I need to make that a part of my summer. Instead my hubby planned a road trip with our teenagers before they start heading off to various colleges (our oldest starts next year and the others follow each year after that). I'm not looking forward to the tears that are sure to come. Ugh!

    Oh and I LOVE your all star point. I feel like I'm a very thoughtful person too. I love thoughtful people like us.

  2. You must not live too far from me! I live in NE Georgia, and am a skip and a hop from Upstate SC! Many of my colleagues and friends are going to Myrtle Beach. Any sharks? I have seen tidbits on the news about some attacks... y'all be careful!! EEK!

    Okay, now for the healthy part... WOW... bless you about the sinus issues. NOT FUN. Hope all goes well with the non-surgery route. Health is ALWAYS what I am needing to work on, but unable to find the motivation. I recently hurt my knee, so it will have to be put off yet again.

    Again, hope all works out and that you are well soon!

    Two Fulbright Hugs,

    Two Fulbright Hugs
