Monday, September 29, 2014

Five for Friday- LATE as usual

I'd like to think I have a very good reason for not linking up on Friday. I was in NEW MEXICO for a family wedding and didn't bring my laptop. Looking back though...I'm sure savvy bloggers bring their devices everywhere so they can blog anywhere. Ooops! I guess I'm not quite that savvy yet. Ha! Either's my Five for Friday (on a Monday) because we just got into town at 4AM. Obviously, I took a personal day today and stayed home to catch up on sleep! *And I got to take my sweeties to their afternoon Preschool class. BONUS! 


I LOVED this center this week...we worked on names, names, names. I have a large oil drip pan for our magnet center...this comes in super handy because it's portable. This week, we laid the pan on the carpet and four friends could set around the rectangle shape. The laminated templates (pictured above) are from Julie Lee's September Intervention pack found here. She also includes one with handwriting lines that we'll use with dry erase markers. Students built their name with magnets, then covered up the letters in their name with small erasers. Once finished, they could grab a classmate's name and bring it to their center to do the same. *I attach my student name plates with Velcro so I can easily change and move them throughout the year. The Velcro allowed the students to grab a name quickly and return it when they were finished.



This is our writing center, thanks to the talented DeeDee Wills. Find these wonderful monthly resources here! This was only our third week of school, and this was our FIRST time at this center. I controlled it a bit and gave them the paper they were to complete. DeeDee offers a variety of writing pieces for students to work on each month. It's a great way to differentiate and keep this center FUN for all of the students. We started simple and completed a labeling page. Normally, I'll provide all of the writing pages for students to choose from when they're at this center.

I wonder if DeeDee needs brand reps. Haha! I kid, I kid. This is our Listening Center from DeeDee's TPT store. I was looking for a way to make our "center time" a little more manageable each week and stumbled upon her listening centers last year. She correlated the listening center packets with Scholastic's Kindergarten CD Library pack each month. GENIUS! Confession, I own them all. The kids LOVE this station...and so does this teacher! Such an easy go-to center week after week.


I have 5 iPods for my classroom and to be honest, this is an area where I struggle in my classroom. How to effectively integrate this type of technology into the classroom is always on my To-Do list. This is a personal goal for my school year so I decided to start simple and do scavenger hunts with our color words. Thursday was our "yellow" students worked in groups of 4 to find and take pictures of something "yellow" in our room. Each student could snap their own picture. Ok...MOST of them know how to use these devices (not surprising). I WAS surprised at the amount of selfies I found when we looked back through our "yellow" finds. Wow. HAHA! After a few friendly reminders, I had to ban a couple of friends from our next scavenger hunt later in the day. (We did one with shapes during our math workshop.)


I wasn't in school on Friday because my husband's brother was getting NEW MEXICO! We flew out Thursday night and got back in this morning at 4AM. It was a beautiful weekend full of amazing scenery and wonderful memories with family. And the school cancelled on Friday due to fog! (Gotta love rural communities) I get my personal day back! Wahoo! 

Have a GREAT week, friends! October is coming!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Five for Friday- Selfie-Free Style!

As promised...this Five for Friday edition will be selfie-free. Sorry about that last week, folks! We had a GREAT week in Kindergarten reading the classic Chicka Chicka Boom Boom books.

Stamping and spinning fun. This was only our second week of Kindergarten so these centers from Mrs. Lee's Kindergarten and Peace, Love, and Learning were perfect for my "first-timer" cuties. I let kiddos use uppercase or lowercase stamps which was a great way to differentiate for every student. And who doesn't love their very own spinner?!

Slow and steady...we began DeeDee and Deanna's Writer's Workshop. In the past 2 weeks, we've only made it 2 days. YIKES! We're still working on time management with Mrs. Murray haha! But I'm so excited that when we haven't done it...the kiddos are asking for it! This sweetheart used our popcorn words for the week "I" and "am"...and stretched out dancing. I helped her with the -ing chunk. Swoon!

This was the PERFECT activity for our popcorn words "I" and "am"this week. Check out Julie Lee's Brown Bear Unit here. We read the familiar story first and then colored our pictures. Then the students highlighted the popcorn words in each sentence. *Highlighters are such a big deal in our classroom. Anyone else agree about the level of excitement they can bring?* I also passed out eye rings to each student and let the reading BEGIN! We made a big deal out of the fact that we could READ these sentences! Yay for you, KINDERS!

Potentially the most random picture for a Five for Friday?! Do you SEE the giant 4 in the sky though? (Hint: It's on its side.) I am loving my morning drives as of late. I haven't been in the habit of slowing down and enjoying the beauty that HE creates in each day. I'm usually rushing around, getting the kiddos ready for preschool, making sure they've eaten breakfast, and remembering their lunches for the day! The sunrise is such a perfect example and reminder to slow down and soak in His creation.

International Talk Like a Pirate Day was a success! We celebrated at school AND at home. My Kindergarten students could not WAIT to share their favorite pirate joke with anyone that even came near our classroom door. Who knew the famous line "What's a pirate's favorite letter?" could be so hilarious. We shared it with our principal and made her laugh until she cried. They couldn't. contain. themselves. Our church group had a giant pirate party, complete with a treasure hunt for the kids and an outdoor movie The Pirate Fairy. It was a BLAST! Here are just a few more pics of our Friday night fun.

Have a blessed weekend, friends!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Five for Friday

 Five For Friday- September 12th edition

     I'm linking up for the first time with Doodle Bugs Teaching for her Five for Friday Weekly Linky Party! This was our FIRST week in Kindergarten...and it was a FULL week at that! Normally we phase-in our Kindergarteners with clinic, testing, and parent orientation...but with a late start due to construction that looked a little different this year. We started our first day on Monday and called it quits on Friday! Whew!

Nothing like a good morning selfie on the First Day of School! My sweet kiddos all obliged and held up this sign as I took their pictures. I have 20 sweet face this year!

I don't know if I can ever NOT do The Kissing Hand on the first day of school. I just love our Chester activities! I SHOULD have snapped the pictures of the infamous handprint puzzles where we attached our poem from Mrs. Jump! We stamped a heart in the middle of our palms to go with our Kissing Hand theme. Making Chester from hearts is a super easy project for 1st day babes. Students had the opportunity to fill out the sentence "___________ came to Kindergarten today and felt ________." I put the date at the bottom too. I have all but two kiddos who can write their name (mostly legible) and I scribed the feelings part. This sweetie felt "super good" to be in Kindergarten! 

I promise I won't fill my Five for Fridays with SELFIES! EEK! How embarrassing! We explored our math manipulatives all week and it just melts my heart when they make link creations for the teacher. This particular sweetie even made it maize and blue for my favorite team! Living in Ohio...I'm usually surrounded by a lot of Buckeyes! Oddly enough, I'm a Michigan fan and I am so thankful to have 4 or 5 other kiddos who cheer for the same team as ME! 

MATH WORKSHOP! Friends...have you checked out the Guiding Kinders Math Workshop from DeeDee Wills and Deanna Jump? Amazing. We began using their units in the middle of last school year and I haven't looked back. Trying Math Workshop this week was a little frightening. And we didn't do it all 5 days...but we started it and each day was a little better than the day before. Honestly, after day 1...I was ready to throw in the towel. HA! But Friday, we did the lesson pictured above and it was AWESOME! My favorite thing about Kindergarten is all of the ways five and six-year olds amaze you.

LAST awkward selfie (I promise next week they're won't be a SINGLE one!)...but on FRIDAY...I joined my hubby as a 30-something! When you're out celebrating by's kind of hard to get a good picture. But we like to goof around and I hope that never changes as we work our way through the 30s decade. Between my beautiful Stella & Dot necklace (gift from my hubby) and my sweet cards and pictures from my was a pretty special day to bring in my 30th year of life. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Currently September with Farley- My First!

Ok...I have no idea what I'm doing...BUT this lonely blog needs some FUN! As I was scrolling through my IG feed, I saw others linking up with Farley for her Currently September and thought it was a now or never kind of day! It's September 1st so why not start this month off with a blog post. (and a FUN one at that!) Here's hoping I do this correctly...

Listening: to my kiddos play! They're 21 months apart (almost 5 and a just turned 3-year old) and for the most part...they get along exceptionally well!

Loving: that we haven't started school yet! Due to new school construction...we're slated to start tomorrow! However, since I teach Kindergarten we'll use this week for some phase-in days and KRA testing. So I technically won't get my full class until NEXT Monday! Yikes!

Thinking: about turning 30 this month...11 days to be exact. I'll be honest, the thought of turning 30 is really freaking me out. 

Wanting: to be healthier this year. I don't exercise, but I DO love sports. I coach basketball and used to coach volleyball. But in general, I don't exercise. And I drink copious amounts of caffeinated drinks (namely pop and coffee). I'm also a Celiac girl so gluten-free is the life for me! But that still doesn't get me out of downing a bag of potato chips when I want to indulge. I'd just like to take my health a little more seriously.

Needing: to go into school and to cook dinner. My good friend and I are in charge of our KRA testing this week...and I really need to go in and get some things ready for that tomorrow morning. I should also feed my hard-working hubby who is tiling our master bathroom...oh and the kids! :)

3 trips: Haiti- Hopefully my husband and I will begin the adoption process this Fall for a little one from Haiti...the details have yet to be worked out...but we're passionate about adoption and can't wait to begin our journey! 
New Mexico- My brother-in-law gets married in 4 we're off to Santa Fe! I'm excited to see the beautiful landscapes he has talked about and to spend this time with our family as two become one.
Disney- We would love to take our kiddos to Disney in the next year or so. I think they're at the age where it'd be a lot of fun! 
Ok so there's that! Thanks for taking the time to ready my Currently September! I hope each of you has a fantastic school year! Check out the other wonderful Currently September editions at Oh' Boy 4th Grade!